Another great question from Mairead - how long does it take to create a lapbook? The first thing I would say in relation to this would be - don't do a lapbook or Faith Folder all at once. When I first began doing Faith Folders, I had a group of kids together for an all day retreat and we put together the Respect Life Faith Folder (which is my most simple). Kids and adults were exhausted by the end of the day. While we did incorporate books, snacks, breaks and lunch, it was just way to much cutting and gluing for one day. The kids and I were sick of "lapbooking" by the end of the day. It is a time consuming process. There's the cutting and gluing each book, there's the discussing of the each piece, there can be things to draw or write in the books and then there is the assembly of the whole Faith Folder by gluing each mini-book into the base. Here is what I have found works for us:
I have each child sit with me at the computer, one-on-one, and show them each book that we'll be doing and the various options for the book. I then print their chosen option for each book.
Our next session, we begin one book at a time. Everyone works on the same book and we talk about the given topic. Some of the kids have a picture to color, some have information to look up or fill in. I give each child a large ziploc bag with their name on it. Once a book is cut out and assembled, it goes in the ziploc. This continues until all books are complete. If we have to stop in the middle of a book, all pieces go in this bag.
Depending on what is involved with each book and our time schedule, we do 1-2 books at a time. We might have more than one session in a day or I may allow some to work ahead if they want.
Once all books are done, we can usually assemble the whole Faith Folder in one session. I then give them time to add their embellishments.
Anyone else want to share what works well for your family, class or group? Do you tackle it all at once or break it up into smaller projects? Feel free to share what did and didn't work for you.
Reaching and Healing Young Women’s Hearts
4 days ago
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